My brother is seriously one of the most oblivious people ever. He can flirt, kiss, and do whatever he wants to and he knows exactly what he's doing, but if someone initiates the flirting, he doesn't realize they're doing it and just continues the conversation as if it was a regular ol' friendly conversation. That happened the morning after Katina and his date - she was still at our house, oddly enough, and kind of stinking (a lot). But when Rhett went outside to eat, after he was done, she came up to him and started flirting. He was confused as to why she was there - he'd gone to sleep almost as soon as he got home last night, so hadn't seen her meandering aimlessly around our "yard". If you'd call it a yard. But I'm guessing she probably went around to the seating next to the pool to sleep, 'cause we had no good seating for sleeping on.
Meanwhile, as time went on, despite my working at the graveyard, I wanted to visit it. So I did, and went downstairs into the little vampiric alcove bar thingy. There was a really pretty mixologist there, and I debated getting her name - or number - but instead, I just rambled to her. Like, seriously rambled. I don't remember half the things I said, but she just listened to me. I think I mostly was talking about how I knew my Dad was going to be dying soon, my job was not going well, neither was my love life, and all that.. 'good' stuff. Plus mentioning Katina. When I mentioned her, the mixologist leaned over slightly.
"Katina Kruse?"
I blinked in surprise, then nodded. "Yeah, that's her."
"The reason she's staying at your place is because she's homeless. She may not look it, but that's because she spends a lot of her time at the salon, the gym, or the firehouse."
"Wow.." I really hadn't expected that. I guess I couldn't snap at her to leave or anything, could I? If she thought living outside our apartment was comfier than the firehouse, so be it. Even if it was a little creepy.
Most of my days seemed to be occupied mostly by reading, or doing something on the computer anymore. If I wasn't working, which, I hadn't been for the last several days, because I rely on my carpool to let me know when to leave, but they haven't shown up in days. So sometimes I just leave for the graveyard at midnight and hope for the best. My work performance was really suffering, but I didn't really care too much, I was debating quitting soon anyway.
But, getting as little money as Rhett and I did - seeing as how he was only a rabid fan and who would pay them very much? - I was upset when our computer broke down. It would be a while before we could fix it..
After a while, when I saw that Katina was still here - and stinking - I approached her, and introduced myself. "Hey, Katina, you probably know me, but I'm Lyric, Rhett's brother."
"Oh, right! Yeah, I know you," she laughed, and took my hand, shaking it, "It's a pleasure to actually meet you, though."
"Yeah, a pleasure to actually meet you, too. By the way.." I trailed off a moment, debating how to put this. "I've noticed how you've been staying on our benches and stuff. You know, if you want to you CAN come in sometimes, I mean, you are Rhett's girlfriend."
"Oh, not technically! He hasn't asked me.."
He hadn't asked her to be his girlfriend?! What was that idiot thinking? He had a great girl here, and he was dawdling. "He HASN'T? Well, believe me, you're practically his girlfriend, so feel free to come in sometimes to take a shower, eat, or use the toilet, or anything really."
"Thanks, Lyric. I'll remember that."
So, I think my brother is a closet drunk. He's always wanting to go out and drink. I mean, seriously, always. But, one night he called me when he was at Bridgeport Sports Zone, and told me it was a hot spot. Woo! Awesome! So, I called up Dad, because I'd been wanting to spend some time with him. What can I say, even if he's not my biological Dad, I'm a Daddy's girl.
So, he agreed to meet me at the bar, and we met outside, before going inside, where I was gonna buy us each a drink. When I got inside, Rhett was.. cheering. Rather drunkenly, and I just kind of stared at him. "Rhett, are you okay?"
"I'm GREAT~! Why?" he asked, in only a faint slur. So he wasn't terribly drunk, he was mostly just.. I don't know, honestly. I dunno what goes through his mind.
"Well I'unno, might have had something to do with the fact that you were cheering on something invisible."
"Whatever. I'm not drunk," he stated, before stepping off to the side and staring at some of the games.
"Oookay." I decided to drop it and sat at the bar, ordering some drinks that sounded good for Dad and me. Little did I know they'd be pretty pink froofera lovelove drinks, and I was ridiculously embarrassed when the mixologist put the little heart stirrers in the glasses, but I said nothing and just drank it. Despite that, all three of us family members had a great time.
Katina was still staying on our apartment building's lawn furniture. I felt so bad for her, but what could I do? I wasn't gonna ask her to move in, that wasn't my job. That was Rhett's. If he was gonna stop being an idiot and start being a gentleman. Honestly, I had no idea what was up with him anymore.
My brother can be a gentleman, though. I never think about cleaning, but more often then not, when he's not at a bar, at work, or exercising, he's cleaning something. He's like a house husband! Except not my husband, blech!
So I found out that Waylon's Haunt was a hot spot one night, and I went there. There really weren't all that many people, mainly just Vermello and Midori Christmas, an adorable red and green couple, but I figured I'd stay anyway. I wanted a drink, for one thing. So I sat at the bar and ordered one, and as I waited I glanced over towards the musical equipment. We'd had to leave those at home when we left, and I had a strange urge to rock out on those drums after I finished my drink. I thought for a bit about buying my own drumset, but that would never fit in our pathetic excuse for an apartment.
After I'd had my drink, I hopped on over to that beautiful wooden drumset, and did exactly what I wanted to. Rocked out. Even though I really wasn't too great; that just made me want to continue playing to get better.
A few days later, I got a call from Katina. I don't know why she didn't just go to the door, but instead used her cell phone (she was still living outside.. I wished so much that Rhett would just ask her to live with us, but no, of course not). She wanted me to write a drama book for her, and I gladly accepted. I needed to get back to writing, I hadn't since our computer had died. I would just write this one at the local library, and maybe check out some books while I was there.
I decided, after I got off the phone with her, exactly what I would name the book. 'Homeless is not Hopeless', in honor of her.
I got started on writing it that day, at the library. While I was busy there, one of our stalker paps was going crazy over me, taking a picture from every angle, scribbling furiously in her little notebook. I don't know what was so freaking interesting about me writing a book, but I guess nothing is uninteresting to my fans? Whoever they are.
While I was writing and being stalked, Rhett was getting a promotion, and when he stepped out of the stadium, Naomi was there. In.. her formal wear. He greeted her, and asked her if she going to the concert that day. She was, and he told me that he was sure she had a dated, because almost as quickly as they started talking, she said she was late and rushed inside. What made him think it was a date was that it wasn't time for the concert yet, so he was sure she was meeting some guy inside.
That night over dinner, we told each other about our days. I mentioned Katina and the drama book and hoped he'd get the message that she was homeless and he needed to invite her to live with us, but he didn't get it. SUCH. A. DUNCE. But, then he told me about his promotion, Naomi, and how this gorgeous girl had been exercising for while then stopped when he got to the gym, then as soon as he got on the treadmill, she got on the one beside him and started running like he was, but then nearly fell off. I knew exactly what she was doing - she knew who he was, and that he was gorgeous, and tried to get him to notice her. It just failed miserably in the way she wanted. Instead, he was laughing about her being 'kinda cute' when she fell. And I don't mean he meant it like pretty-girl-cute, more like little-kid-cute. Sometimes, I wondered if he was gay, but then I remembered when he actually remembers girls exist. It's ridiculous and kinda disgusting.
During the day, after I broke the computer, I often had no idea what to do with myself. The clubs and bars weren't open yet, the library was great but sometimes I felt like staying at home, and I didn't work until 1 AM. Not that during that time I really worked, because my carpool had stopped coming altogether and I was often so busy at 12 and 1 AM that I forgot about work. I was just waiting for those words: "You're fired." It hadn't happened yet, but it was only a matter of time. Back to my original train of thought though..
Trying to find things to do was oddly hard, because I didn't want to just read all day. I'm a bookworm, but not that much of one. When I found myself cleaning the shower for fun, I knew I was gonna need to get out, maybe get a new job that I went to during the day. I'd wait 'til I was fired though.
Then I felt stupid. Katina stayed in our backyard, why wasn't I just going outside to talk to her? I wanted five friends anyway. So I found myself going outside to talk to her. What did we talk about, you ask? Rhett and his obliviousness. I apologized to her about him blowing her off constantly, and she told me it was okay, he'd eventually come to his senses. Then I told her about how oblivious he was, about the thing with the girl in the gym, and all the other things about him we could both think of. We never once changed subject, and I felt no regret talking about him behind his back, because even if he ever found out, he's so laid back he'd probably agree.
After dark, I found myself super hungry, so I told Katina I'd be right back with some food for both of us. When I went inside, Rhett was there, fixing.. what looked like hot dogs, and I eyed them suspiciously. "Are those tofu dogs?"
"What else would they be?"
"Something that's actually delicious?"
"Oh shut up, you've never had them. Just try 'em."
"Fine, I'll try them if you serve them outside near the pool."
He gave me the strangest look that I nearly cracked up, but I just kept my serious expression in place.
"Oh.. kay?" he said, then took them outside to the grill that came with the 'apartment'. When they were done, he did like I asked, and when he saw Katina, he was shocked. "Katina? What are you doing here?"
"I've.. been living here since our date."
"Really?! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought you might guess, but I guess you didn't see me."
"No, I didn't.. I've been gone so much. I'm sorry!"
"It's fine as long as I can have one of your hotdogs."
"Tofu dogs, actually."
"Oh.. well, whatever, I'm not picky."
True love, I swear.
Life goes on. It just does, even if it does it in a boring sort of way. Over several different days, I wrote on my book for Katina, and eventually finished it. She was really appreciative, and said that she'd get straight to reading it.
I also started working more on my cooking skills, though I seemed best suited to salads. Especially since when I started, I actually knew I was supposed to be leaving for work soon. That was when I often cooked.
One day, I actually made food a while before work, and while I was 'cooking', Rhett was donating to a charity. He'd been wanting to for a while, and he finally had enough. I wish he'd let us save our money up for, I dunno, something we need, but I'm sure the charities need it too. After donating that day, he invited Estiu over. While they chatted in the main apartment building, I broke our sink. "Darnit, what's with me?! I break everything I touch!" That's not an overstatement either..
The next morning.. Estiu randomly strode by towards the house, in her swimsuit. I stared for a moment, then nearly choked on my breakfast. "Estiu, what are you doing here?!"
"Oh, I stayed on the lawn furniture with Katina."
Another one!? I choked some more, and then decided to stop eating for a moment. "But Estiu, Katina is homeless and Rhett's romantic interest. You're just a.. 'friend' of the family, and I know for a FACT you have a home."
"Oh, yeah, but it's just so easy to keep an eye on everyone when I am here and not at home!"
Our home had become a hotspot.
(A/N: I am so far behind on my updates, compared to where I am. XD Because I wanted to play ahead and see if Lyric was ever gonna actually give me heirs. When she finally did, I decided I could start updating again. So, this entire thing, and towards the end of last chapter, my mods (Twallan's story progression and it's modules, and woohooer) were wigging out because I needed to download the new ones for SP. So, time was still going, but the clock stopped altogether every time I played, so I had no idea what time it was, and their carpools stopped coming to get them since the clock wasn't technically running even though time was. That was also why Katina and Estiu got stuck, though it made it easy for completing Lyric's wish for five friends, haha. I hope to update every day this week, so I can get up to where I am (one day from Lyric's elder birthday D=).)
So, I think my brother is a closet drunk. He's always wanting to go out and drink. I mean, seriously, always. But, one night he called me when he was at Bridgeport Sports Zone, and told me it was a hot spot. Woo! Awesome! So, I called up Dad, because I'd been wanting to spend some time with him. What can I say, even if he's not my biological Dad, I'm a Daddy's girl.
So, he agreed to meet me at the bar, and we met outside, before going inside, where I was gonna buy us each a drink. When I got inside, Rhett was.. cheering. Rather drunkenly, and I just kind of stared at him. "Rhett, are you okay?"
"I'm GREAT~! Why?" he asked, in only a faint slur. So he wasn't terribly drunk, he was mostly just.. I don't know, honestly. I dunno what goes through his mind.
"Well I'unno, might have had something to do with the fact that you were cheering on something invisible."
"Whatever. I'm not drunk," he stated, before stepping off to the side and staring at some of the games.
"Oookay." I decided to drop it and sat at the bar, ordering some drinks that sounded good for Dad and me. Little did I know they'd be pretty pink froofera lovelove drinks, and I was ridiculously embarrassed when the mixologist put the little heart stirrers in the glasses, but I said nothing and just drank it. Despite that, all three of us family members had a great time.
Katina was still staying on our apartment building's lawn furniture. I felt so bad for her, but what could I do? I wasn't gonna ask her to move in, that wasn't my job. That was Rhett's. If he was gonna stop being an idiot and start being a gentleman. Honestly, I had no idea what was up with him anymore.
My brother can be a gentleman, though. I never think about cleaning, but more often then not, when he's not at a bar, at work, or exercising, he's cleaning something. He's like a house husband! Except not my husband, blech!
So I found out that Waylon's Haunt was a hot spot one night, and I went there. There really weren't all that many people, mainly just Vermello and Midori Christmas, an adorable red and green couple, but I figured I'd stay anyway. I wanted a drink, for one thing. So I sat at the bar and ordered one, and as I waited I glanced over towards the musical equipment. We'd had to leave those at home when we left, and I had a strange urge to rock out on those drums after I finished my drink. I thought for a bit about buying my own drumset, but that would never fit in our pathetic excuse for an apartment.
After I'd had my drink, I hopped on over to that beautiful wooden drumset, and did exactly what I wanted to. Rocked out. Even though I really wasn't too great; that just made me want to continue playing to get better.
A few days later, I got a call from Katina. I don't know why she didn't just go to the door, but instead used her cell phone (she was still living outside.. I wished so much that Rhett would just ask her to live with us, but no, of course not). She wanted me to write a drama book for her, and I gladly accepted. I needed to get back to writing, I hadn't since our computer had died. I would just write this one at the local library, and maybe check out some books while I was there.
I decided, after I got off the phone with her, exactly what I would name the book. 'Homeless is not Hopeless', in honor of her.

I got started on writing it that day, at the library. While I was busy there, one of our stalker paps was going crazy over me, taking a picture from every angle, scribbling furiously in her little notebook. I don't know what was so freaking interesting about me writing a book, but I guess nothing is uninteresting to my fans? Whoever they are.
While I was writing and being stalked, Rhett was getting a promotion, and when he stepped out of the stadium, Naomi was there. In.. her formal wear. He greeted her, and asked her if she going to the concert that day. She was, and he told me that he was sure she had a dated, because almost as quickly as they started talking, she said she was late and rushed inside. What made him think it was a date was that it wasn't time for the concert yet, so he was sure she was meeting some guy inside.
That night over dinner, we told each other about our days. I mentioned Katina and the drama book and hoped he'd get the message that she was homeless and he needed to invite her to live with us, but he didn't get it. SUCH. A. DUNCE. But, then he told me about his promotion, Naomi, and how this gorgeous girl had been exercising for while then stopped when he got to the gym, then as soon as he got on the treadmill, she got on the one beside him and started running like he was, but then nearly fell off. I knew exactly what she was doing - she knew who he was, and that he was gorgeous, and tried to get him to notice her. It just failed miserably in the way she wanted. Instead, he was laughing about her being 'kinda cute' when she fell. And I don't mean he meant it like pretty-girl-cute, more like little-kid-cute. Sometimes, I wondered if he was gay, but then I remembered when he actually remembers girls exist. It's ridiculous and kinda disgusting.
During the day, after I broke the computer, I often had no idea what to do with myself. The clubs and bars weren't open yet, the library was great but sometimes I felt like staying at home, and I didn't work until 1 AM. Not that during that time I really worked, because my carpool had stopped coming altogether and I was often so busy at 12 and 1 AM that I forgot about work. I was just waiting for those words: "You're fired." It hadn't happened yet, but it was only a matter of time. Back to my original train of thought though..
Trying to find things to do was oddly hard, because I didn't want to just read all day. I'm a bookworm, but not that much of one. When I found myself cleaning the shower for fun, I knew I was gonna need to get out, maybe get a new job that I went to during the day. I'd wait 'til I was fired though.
Then I felt stupid. Katina stayed in our backyard, why wasn't I just going outside to talk to her? I wanted five friends anyway. So I found myself going outside to talk to her. What did we talk about, you ask? Rhett and his obliviousness. I apologized to her about him blowing her off constantly, and she told me it was okay, he'd eventually come to his senses. Then I told her about how oblivious he was, about the thing with the girl in the gym, and all the other things about him we could both think of. We never once changed subject, and I felt no regret talking about him behind his back, because even if he ever found out, he's so laid back he'd probably agree.
After dark, I found myself super hungry, so I told Katina I'd be right back with some food for both of us. When I went inside, Rhett was there, fixing.. what looked like hot dogs, and I eyed them suspiciously. "Are those tofu dogs?"
"What else would they be?"
"Something that's actually delicious?"
"Oh shut up, you've never had them. Just try 'em."
"Fine, I'll try them if you serve them outside near the pool."
He gave me the strangest look that I nearly cracked up, but I just kept my serious expression in place.
"Oh.. kay?" he said, then took them outside to the grill that came with the 'apartment'. When they were done, he did like I asked, and when he saw Katina, he was shocked. "Katina? What are you doing here?"
"I've.. been living here since our date."
"Really?! Why didn't you tell me?"
"I thought you might guess, but I guess you didn't see me."
"No, I didn't.. I've been gone so much. I'm sorry!"
"It's fine as long as I can have one of your hotdogs."
"Tofu dogs, actually."
"Oh.. well, whatever, I'm not picky."
True love, I swear.
Life goes on. It just does, even if it does it in a boring sort of way. Over several different days, I wrote on my book for Katina, and eventually finished it. She was really appreciative, and said that she'd get straight to reading it.
I also started working more on my cooking skills, though I seemed best suited to salads. Especially since when I started, I actually knew I was supposed to be leaving for work soon. That was when I often cooked.
One day, I actually made food a while before work, and while I was 'cooking', Rhett was donating to a charity. He'd been wanting to for a while, and he finally had enough. I wish he'd let us save our money up for, I dunno, something we need, but I'm sure the charities need it too. After donating that day, he invited Estiu over. While they chatted in the main apartment building, I broke our sink. "Darnit, what's with me?! I break everything I touch!" That's not an overstatement either..
The next morning.. Estiu randomly strode by towards the house, in her swimsuit. I stared for a moment, then nearly choked on my breakfast. "Estiu, what are you doing here?!"
"Oh, I stayed on the lawn furniture with Katina."
Another one!? I choked some more, and then decided to stop eating for a moment. "But Estiu, Katina is homeless and Rhett's romantic interest. You're just a.. 'friend' of the family, and I know for a FACT you have a home."
"Oh, yeah, but it's just so easy to keep an eye on everyone when I am here and not at home!"
Our home had become a hotspot.
(A/N: I am so far behind on my updates, compared to where I am. XD Because I wanted to play ahead and see if Lyric was ever gonna actually give me heirs. When she finally did, I decided I could start updating again. So, this entire thing, and towards the end of last chapter, my mods (Twallan's story progression and it's modules, and woohooer) were wigging out because I needed to download the new ones for SP. So, time was still going, but the clock stopped altogether every time I played, so I had no idea what time it was, and their carpools stopped coming to get them since the clock wasn't technically running even though time was. That was also why Katina and Estiu got stuck, though it made it easy for completing Lyric's wish for five friends, haha. I hope to update every day this week, so I can get up to where I am (one day from Lyric's elder birthday D=).)
Oh, and the skill bar constantly above Lyric's head. Every time I played and she skilled, it stayed for the rest of the time I was playing. XD
Wow, major glitchiness, eh? But that's okay, who doesn't like friends camping on their lawn? xD
wow, those are some crazy glitches! At least Katina is staying alive! I wish Rhett would talk to her, or ask her to be his girlfriend! Homeless or not, she's pretty. I hope all of your glitches somehow get fixed. That would be frustrating!
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